Branding Questionnaire

Hi !

We’re looking forward to getting started on your project! Please take a few minutes to fill out this questionnaire about your company and your goals for your branding and logo design. Your answers will provide us with a foundation on which to make all design decisions throughout the project. Thank you!

"*" indicates required fields

Your Name*
If so, please enter it above.

About Your Company

Please describe your company. What type of products/services do you/will you provide? Who are your typical or targeted clients/customers?

Your Brand Personality

What do you want your new logo to communicate about your company and your product or services? Feel free to use adjectives like fun, youthful, professional, serious, welcoming, exciting and so on.

Specific Elements

Are there any elements that you would like to see included in your logo design?

Elements to Exclude

Are there any images or concepts you DO NOT want to see? For example, a restaurant is named "Sailfish Harbor Restaurant" but the client might not want an image of a sailfish included.

Brand Colors

If you have colors that you'd like to recommend, please enter them here. If you have very specific colors, please add the hex color codes if you know them.

Reference Images

Do you have any sketches, samples, etc that you wish to send us to further describe your ideas? If so, please upload them here.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, gif, Max. file size: 1,000 MB.